​Horsham Spiritual & Healing Centre​
​Horsham Spiritual & Healing Centre​
Therapies we have on offer
Therapies we have on offer
​Sound Therapy
Acu-Sound Therapy is an extremely effective treatment. It is the use of musical tuning forks in a non-invasive way to re-align and balance the body's natural energy fields and to help clear energetic blockages, working on specific Acupressure points in the body. Harmonic sound, both audible and vibrational can locate and resolve energetic disharmony. This supports self healing and is complementary to other therapeutic measures. It is a gentle and enjoyable method and is opening up fascinating new areas of subtle work Acu-Sound Therapy can be used to treat any illness or ailment or physical, emotional, as it works at a fundamental energetic level. This treatment is non-invasive as it is applied through clothes and therefore can be performed anywhere.
Contact Christine or Jo if you would like sound therapy
Homeopathy is a gentle, sympathetic and safe system of healing that acts deeply to restore the whole person, making lasting improvements at all levels: physical, mental & emotional. It respects the fact that every person is unique so it treats the person as a whole and not just the disease. Many conventional doctors are not trained to look at a patient in this way, they tend to treat each ailment separately and consequently the root cause is seldom found. The symptoms may disappear but the disease is often merely suppressed, and reoccurs or surfaces again as another ailment, seemingly unconnected.
Crystal Therapy
This treatment involves use of crystals, Colour & Sound to create a relaxing environment, to help balance the systems of the body, open the Chakras & generally relax & energise the patient.
Specific areas can be targeted with special crystals & layouts, such as headaches, aches & pains, stress etc.
There are various types of crystals that get used during the treatments, depending on what is going on, these include Wands, Tumblestones, Palmstones & Points.
Crystal Healing
This treatment involves use of crystals in combination with spiritual healing to help balance the systems of the body, open the Chakras & generally relax & energise the patient.
Specific areas can be targeted with special crystals & layouts, such as headaches, stress etc. Just ask....
Colour Healing
his treatment involves the use of coloured silks laid across areas of the body relating to the requirements of the patient, whilst you are immersed in coloured light. This is in combination with spiritual healing. This treatment can be aimed at specific ailments but is also great for lifting the patients mood, energising then & aiding their general wellbeing, as well as for general relaxation.
Energy Release & Crystal Colour Healing
This treatment involves the combination of Colour & Crystal healing with Energy release work to create a very intense therapy. During the treatment we use Crystals and colour healing with visualisation techniques to help you release stress and bring about calm and relaxation.
This helps to release stress & anxiety, balances the systems of the body & focuses on the requirements of the patient, in Mind, body & spirit and helps them to feel relaxed & energised.
Contact Jo if you are interested in these treatments
There are also Courses, Workshops, Circles running, we also do Psychic and Pamper Nights,
if interested please contact Jo on 07854014411 or e-mail joloellis@aol.com