​Horsham Spiritual & Healing Centre​
​Horsham Spiritual & Healing Centre​
Donations to Charities
Donations to Charities
The Charities we have donated to over the years are:-
Indian Ocean Boxing Day Tsunami 2004
BLISS the premature baby charity.
Chestnut Tree House Children's Hospice
Children In Need (every year in November)
Sussex Air Ambulance
Holbrook Animal Rescue
Canine Partners.
In 2016 we made donations to:-
Baby Jayda for specialised medical equipment for her to be at home.
Children In Need
Marc Lynes (to help with fees for carer) Tokyo Paralympic's).
In 2017 we made donations to:-
The people who were affected by the bombing at the Manchester Arena Concert.
The families affected by the Grenfell Tower Fire.
Children In Need
2018 donations to:-
Care International - Indonesian Earthquake
St. Catherine's Hospice - Much Loved
Children In Need
2019 donations to:-
St. Catherine's Hospice - In memory of our good friend Lynne Jeremy.
Survivors of bereavement by suicide
Horsham Community Responders
Children In Need
Guidedogs for the Blind
2021 donations to:-
Children In Need
2022 donations to:-